We reimagine learning and create courses as learning experiences to open education opportunities for all, and inspire home-grown innovation.
Our agile, collaborative and co-design course-development process brings all stakeholders together to develop contextually relevant and immediately implementable courses that engage, enamour and inspire life-long learning, engagement and ultimately significantly higher completion rates.
Play is active, engaging and fun. Like the best form of learning. We believe that learning should imitate play as being active, engaging and fun!
When we’re creating, we’re actively finding or inventing solutions, evaluating and analyzing, and growing our potential to be more creative. We believe we exponentially improve all creations when this is a collaborative co-creative process.
Learning is a process, a journey made of many big and small events, experiences, both good and bad, and people. We learn in many different ways but most often, we learn best when we are invested, motivated and in control.
Our world desperately needs more innovators, tinkers and thinkers to solve the many local and global challenges. If we want to bring about change in the world, we need to nurture each individual’s potential to innovate contextually embedded solutions that address their immediate needs or that of their community.
In Africa, we do things our own way. We sing, we dance, we enjoy life and we overcome tremendous challenges with the most inspiring innovations. Africa is written in our hearts and beats its drum in all we do. Listening to our African drumbeat, we at Limina reimagine and nurture home-grown practical solutions for the challenges across our continent. We LIVE innovation and BREATHE creativity!
At Limina we believe we grow our future from the creativity and innovation fostered in classrooms. To foster creativity in the classroom, we need to nurture this in teachers. So we reinvented professional development to focus on nurturing creativity and innovation with EdTechs in the classroom, in the office and in non-education related spaces
Our Limina team LOVES what we do! We live, eat and sleep innovation and ingenuity. Our favourite space is the cutting edge of education – but above all, our favourite place is Africa!
Limina inspires, grows and nurtures all players in the field of education to be better than they were yesterday, and to excel and build the future we want for Africa, for our learners, students and our communities!
On staff, we have qualified Instructional Designers, Graphic Designers, Videographers, an IT Specialist and Course Managers.
Shweshwe has deep roots in African society. In the 1840s the Basotho King Moshoeshoe popularised these prints, lending his name to the very iconic colours and patterned prints. Today shweshwe is ingrained in different cultures all over our continent.
Our Limina patterning is based on the very traditional Shweshwe fabric so well known in Africa. We wove Africa’s Shweshwe into the fabric of Limina’s imagery to represent the people we serve, and their diverse learning needs and likes.