Evaluate Assessment
Evaluate Assessment Results We assess our learners at different times of the year, but how do we know how effective our assessment activities are? This
Assessment is the process that we use to measure learning progress. We assess to check what has been achieved towards reaching a particular goal, and what still needs to be done. The main purpose of all such assessments is to improve learning.
Teachers are often responsible for assessment, but learners at school level, and students at post-school level, are also responsible for assessing their own progress. Assessing one’s progress is an important self-directed learning skill that everyone should develop. Keep an eye out for more on this topic later on in this series.
Another way of looking at it: assessment measures progress in individual learners; evaluation looks at the results from assessment to see where the gaps are, where learners are struggling or excelling, and to identify areas for improvement or expansion.
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Evaluate Assessment Results We assess our learners at different times of the year, but how do we know how effective our assessment activities are? This
Formative Assessment Formative assessment and feedback are like two peas in a pod, Dr Strange and his cape, or beach and plakkies! It’s almost impossible
Summative Assessment Teachers usually use summative assessment at the end of a learning section, a term or a year to measure the knowledge and skills
Balanced Assessment Is this for Marks? If you’re a teacher, you’ve no doubt heard this line a couple’a thousand times already! We want learners to