Integrating Technology in Languages for High School

R3,744.40 Incl. VAT

If you’re teaching a language in high school, this course is for you!

This course is not language-specific.

Explore how to integrate technologies to teach language skills. Each unit explores the different text types typically found in the language class, from poetry to newspapers to multimedia texts, etc.

Because this course is not language-specific, any language teacher can enrol.


Course Units:

  • Explore the magazine writing process | Create digital articles.
  • Reading, writing and presenting adverts | Create a digital advertisement.
  • Listening and speaking with audio texts | Create a reference list.
  • Factual and informational texts in newspapers | Create a newspaper article.
  • Features of multimedia texts | Create a comic or cartoon.
  • Reading and performing dramas | Create activities to support stations rotation in a slide presentation.
  • Reading and comprehending short stories | Create a HyperDoc.
  • Analysing and writing about novels | Create a WebQuest or HyperDoc.
  • Performing and presenting poetry | Create a video.
  • eAssessing language | Create an online assessment.

CPTD Points:

CPTD points pending.

Course Duration:

10 weeks.